Formulation and Evaluation of Orodispersible Tablet for Anti-Asthamatic Drug

M. Lokade, Amitkumar and G. Shete, Priya and G. Shete, Neha and S. Khobragade, Deepak and D. Pimpale, Awdhut and Gawali, Rahul W. and S. Jirvankar, Pranita and Chandewar, Shital A. (2021) Formulation and Evaluation of Orodispersible Tablet for Anti-Asthamatic Drug. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 33 (51A). pp. 187-199. ISSN 2456-9119

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Objective iof ithe ipresent iwork iis ito idevelop iorodispersible itablets iof iSalbutamol i ito iimprove ibioavailability, idisintegration itime, idissolution iefficacy iand ipatient icompliance. iOrodispersible itablets iare ithe ifast igrowing iand ihighly iaccepted idrug idelivery isystem iin inow idays imainly ito iimprove ipatient icompliance. iOrodispersible itablets ihave inumber iof iadvantages iover iconventional idosage iforms, ibecause iof ithat iOrodispersible itablets ihave iemerged ias ian ialternative ito iconventional idosage iforms. Orodispersible itablets idissolve ior idisintegrates iinstantly ion ithe ipatient itongue ior ibuccal imucosa. iOrodispersible itablets iof isolbutamol i iwere iprepared iusing isuperdisintegrants, iCrospovidone,Mannitol (Pearlitol iSD-200), ias idiluents iby idirect icompression imethod. iNine iformulations iwere iprepared iusing ithe isuperdisintegrants iat ilower, iintermediate i& ihigher iconcentration. iMannitol iis iused ito ienhance ithe iorganoleptic iproperties iof itablets. iTablets iwere ievaluated ifor iuniformity iof iweight, ihardness, ifriability, iwater iabsorption iratio, idispersion itime, idisintegration itime iand iin ivitro idrug irelease. iAll ithe iformulations ishowed idisintegration itime iless ithan i33 mins iand idrug irelease iby idissolution i(100% iat ithe iend iof i10 imins).

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Pustakas > Medical Science
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 03 Mar 2023 10:57
Last Modified: 09 Feb 2024 04:09

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